Relishing Nutrition & Fitness


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Hi, my name is Brittney Duarte and I am passionate about nutrition, health, and fitness! I love learning about how food fuels our bodies and changes the way we feel. I believe nutrition and fitness don’t have to be hard and I am passionate about making healthy eating + exercising simple, enjoyable, and budget friendly. A life of balance is my philosophy, I believe in listening to our bodies so we can give ourselves what we really need. No diets, all about a healthy, balanced lifestyle!

I graduated from Point Loma Nazarene University in 2016 with a Bachelors in Nutrition and Health.

I am a certified personal trainer through ACE Fitness.

I have my 200HR Yoga Instructor Certification as well as certifications in Sculpt, Yogalates, & Step Aerobics/Barre.

I am certified as a Pilates Instructor on the XFormer.

I love being out in the sun, swimming, walking, practicing yoga, all the grand activities. My nut butter addiction is unreal, I am an avid tea drinker, and if you have a dog I’m going to want to pet it.

I want to encourage others to live the best life they can through a nutritious diet, physical activity, and self-care.



B.A. Nutrition and Health
Point Loma Nazarene University

Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner

The Nutrition School by Keri Glassman + AADP


ACE Fitness

Certified Personal Trainer


Ra Yoga

Registered Yoga Teacher 200HR

Vinyasa and Strength Certified



